Two common desires of every YouTube Creator are: ‘My video get more views’ and ‘My channel get more subscribers’. But, there is no dream genie in the YouTube that’ll make you a YouTube star. The video-sharing service is the most popular social network after Facebook, and getting subscribers on a YouTube channel without uploading a single video sounds something like a joke.
Spending money on ads to promote a YouTube channel is not really a genuine decision. If you’re a business, then nothing is better than ads for you else, creators and YouTubers should create clickable contents and keep YouTube optimization in mind to get more views and subscribers absolutely free of cost.
Start a web series on YouTube
I don’t know what is your favorite daily show on television, but the daily show is also known as a series. To watch that show, you need to subscribe the TV channel through the broadcasting provider or buy a monthly package. The same formula you can apply to your YouTube channel.
Team working is one of the most effective way to success a business. But, as a beginner, you probably don’t have enough budget. Not like a TV show, but at-least you can start a web series on YouTube along with your close friends. Team up with up to 3-5 friends and think a topic on which you’re going to start a web series. I believe a web series should be funny and entertaining.
As an example, you can watch some web series on YouTube.
Start Vlogging
Stop making those tutorial videos and go ahead to the vlogging. Vlog is the best way to make a relationship with viewers and it is the second popular way to earn money online. Talking with viewers feels like you’re a friend of a viewer and there is more chance to get a flood of subscribers. If you look through the content of most subscribed YouTube channels, there you mostly found vlog videos. Even the first video uploaded by YouTube star PewDiePie is a vlog.
Video blog contents should update timely on your channel, and make sure you’re using a high-definition or DSLR camera. As a startup you can even use a smartphone camera, but the camera should record HD videos. I believe video quality is must when starting a video blogging channel on YouTube.
Get more clicks, Get more subscribers
Getting more views and clicks on your videos means more subscribers on your channel. Whether your video is boring or non-entertaining, but you can use a custom thumbnail that looks attractive, should contain adult visuals, and should be clickable. It brings more clicks on your videos and more subscribers on the channel.

As you can see in the above video thumbnail, adultness is spilled, but the reality is different. Click on the above image and watch the complete challenge video. Also read how to promote a YouTube video for free.
Force viewers to subscribe your channel
Telling viewers manually to like, comment and subscribe to your channel is very common, but it is 99% effective. Why you should didn’t try something unique, just like reading viewer comments and answering in a video. Annotations and (i) button is a good way to remind viewers about that subscribe button.
Doing too much for a single subscription is may drop channel reputation in the viewer’s eyes. Never decorate your channel name in the video, and try to focus more on entertaining punches in every video.
Improve your channel’s homepage
When a viewer visit your channel’s home page, it means the viewer is interested in your content. It is an opportunity to get a subscription from that viewer by improving your channel home, like to add a channel trailer, cover art, channel icon and links.
Don’t forget to fill the about section, which defines a quick introduction about your channel content. Go to the YouTube settings, and view more additional features for your channel.
Add a YouTube subscribe button on your blog/website
If you run a blog with a good amount of traffic, then why don’t you try adding a YouTube subscribe button in the sidebar. Go to YouTube subscribe button tool and configure your own button. The subscribe button first load a Google platform script on your blog’s web page and then the button. If you want a direct subscription link, then copy this link – //<username>?sub_confirmation=1, and replace <username> with your channel username.