Downloading a GIF image from the web is better than creating a new one. It’s easy to create GIFs from a video, but designing a custom animated image is feels harder for beginners. In the daily life of social media, you’ll probably see the funny GIF images in your news feed, and you can easily share those images directly on your social account, but you’ll love to explore more animated GIFs directly from the sources, where people download and share on social media sites. GIF images are mostly free of cost on the web, and my below list has all top free ways to download unlimited animated images.

Giphy is one of the most popular websites of GIFs, that have a huge collection of animated images, you can share directly on Facebook and other social media sites. You probably see on the Facebook news feed, most of the GIFs are hosted on and this the only source where people have fun to create, upload and share GIF images. There is no doubt that the community of near about 100 million users, has an unlimited collection of GIFs. To download any GIF, go to the page, select the Advanced tab and click the download button. You can also paste download link directly on social media sites for better experience.
Imgur is the best way to share and enjoy awesome images on the internet, and collection of GIF images is also awesome. Just like Subreddits, you can explore GIFs and other images by // To get all animated images, you need to search a keyword> click advanced search> Select file type: Only show results of GIF files. For example – Funny.
Subreddit /r/gifs is the best source of top animated GIFs submitted by users. The subreddit has near about 9 million subscribers and rank under 20 according to Redditmetrics. Reddit is the site where you found awesome internet contents, and animated images is one of them. You can also explore /r/funny and /r/pics to get more interesting GIF images.
Google Advanced Image Search
Google images has an advanced option to filter animated images for search results and get the results of GIFs. Google images will provide results from the millions of sources around the web, and you can find GIFs for any keyword.
To search animated images, Go to Google advanced image search> type your words> Select type of image: Animated and search.
Dribbble is a community of designers, where graphics, images, icons and Animated GIFs are the contents. You can explore some custom created animated GIFs shots made by designers and all are free to download.
Tumblr is a blogging platform that has more than 200 million blogs hosted on their network. Their explore directory allows you to discover contents from the millions of Tumblr blogs as a public data. Because blogs are public that’s why data was also public.Go and explore GIFs tab now.