When any of your Facebook friends tagged you in a post, you (and the people who’re tagged in) will start getting notifications about the post activity. One of the common problems with a few people is they tag friends who are not in the post, or even tagged people have no connection with the post. But the notifications about comments will continuously deliver to all the peoples who’re tagged in.

Here, I’m going to tell you how you can turn off notifications for the post you’re tagged in. Currently, there is no way to stop any of your friends from tagging you on Facebook, but you can control how the tagged photos/videos will appear on your Timeline, and few more things.

Turn off notifications for the post you’re tagged in

Follow the steps below (applied to mobile app and desktop browser):

  1. Go to the Facebook post (photo, video, etc.) you’re tagged with.
  2. Click the down arrow (˅) icon situated at the top-right corner of the post.
  3. Select “Turn off notifications for this post“.
    facebook-Turn off notifications for this post
  4. Done, you will no more receive any notification about that post.

Or, remove your tag from the post in order to stop getting notifications. If you remove the tag, no one will able to tag you again on that post.


Is there is any way to stop people tagging me in any Facebook post?

As I said above, currently, there is no option in the account settings to stop people tagging you in a Facebook post. But, you can prevent tagging photos and videos from appearing on your Timeline. Go to Settings, Timeline and Tagging Settings and enable “Review posts friends tag you in before they appear on your Timeline?”.

If you have any problem with a specific person, don’t forget Facebook gives everyone a Block option. If you block any person on Facebook, he/she will unable to tag you on any Facebook post.

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