You do not need to find the song lyrics on different websites, some websites are listed below will help you find the lyrics of almost any song. These sites are known as the largest music lyrics platforms on the web and their database has millions of songs. You can easily copy, print and share content from these sites for free without the need of any registration.
The best way to learn song lyrics is to listen to the music with the lyrics moving on the screen. You can watch lyric version of music videos on YouTube, such as Closer (Lyric video), Cheap Thrills (Lyric video) and Shape Of You (Lyric video), these videos are the best way to learn lyrics of songs.
Musixmatch is currently the largest music lyrics platform in the world with over 14 million songs in its database. Using his mobile app or website, you can find lyrics of almost any song and even you can read it in a different language. The Musixmatch mobile app is very useful lets you listen to music on YouTube, Spotify or Google Play Music with lyrics moving on the screen. To listen to your favorite songs with the best headphone, check the headphone junkie.
Not only on music videos, video transcript can be available on any type of video on YouTube. Transcribed text is slightly different than the original song lyrics, and it will be very useful for you. Looking at any music video on YouTube in the desktop browser, click on the more icon next to the share button and choose ‘Open Transcript’ option. A new modal window opens next to the YouTube player, with which the transcript is running.
Video transcriptions may not be available for all music videos.
While Shazam is the top music identification service or app, it offers song lyrics to users for free. You can use his website or mobile app to find lyrics. Go to ‘Discover’ in the mobile app and then click Search to search for the songs, and just use the search bar on the website. is one of the largest lyrics platforms, with more than 1.7 million songs in his database. In Genius’s mobile app or website, you can search songs using lyrics, such as go to the search bar and type a few words of songs you remember, this will show you the song for which you are searching.
Lyrically a wiki website (powered by Wikia) contains lyrics of more than 1.5 million songs, and according to one figure, there are more than 1.9 million wiki pages in their database. You can search lyrics in his website by albums, artists and genres, and the search bar is already active for you.
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